この度Zelkova ink原宿では7/19にてオープン1周年を迎えるにあたり、日頃よりご愛顧頂いております皆様へ細やかではありますが御礼の意味も込めまして贈り物をご用意いたしました。
@streamercoffee_shibuya 様にご助力を頂き、7月中Zelkova ink原宿をご利用のお客様へ当コーヒーショップでご利用頂けますワンドリンク&ワンドーナツの無料チケットを配布いたします、スタジオご利用の際は是非お持ち帰り下さい。
1st Anniversary of zelkova ink tattoo studio will be holding from this coming 1st of July and We’re preparing free drinks and food ticket which is available to use only at @streamercoffee_shibuya one ticket available one drink and one food for a person.
We feel so gratitude for this wonderful moment and so much thankful to all of clients and your supporting. We hope the gift will be corresponding enough to telling my gratitude for all of you.
Thank you very much and have a great time.
*You can choose any drink you like and a donut. If you would like to have any other food instead of donuts please asking to stuff at the coffee shop.
*the map made for only fun not for actually using.